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"It's All Your Fault!" - Working with High Conflict Personalities - Test
by William A. Eddy, LCSW, JD

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1. In her murder trial, what personality disorder did the prosecution say that Betty Broderick had? Help
2. A legal research database indicates that compared to the previous decade (2000-2010), between 2010 and 2020, the number of cases being heard by courts of appeal that mention personality disorders has: Help
Increased by 100%. 25%.
Remained about the same.
There is no data available for the previous decade.
3. Which non-Cluster B personality disorder does the author report is appearing in many high-conflict disputes? Help
4. In the case of In re Eben Gossage, On Admission, which of the following was NOT one of the reasons the California Supreme Court gave for denying his application to become an attorney? Help
His substance abuse problems were not under control.
He only disclosed four of his 17 criminal convictions on his application.
He repeatedly violated state traffic laws.
There was a pattern of misconduct while he was preparing to be a lawyer.
5. According to the author's theory, those with personality disorders or maladaptive personality traits are often successful in court for which of the following reasons? Help
Their high-intensity emotions can be very persuasive in getting the attention of the judge or jury.
They are more skilled at the short-term use of peripheral persuasion, and in the absence of factual information the peripheral route of persuasion can dominate decision-making.
A more emotionally reasonable party can appear less persuasive -- even though more truthful and flexible in out-of-court problem-solving.
All of the above
6. According to the author's theory, ALL BUT which one of the following are reasons someone with a high conflict personality would seek Negative Advocates in a legal case? Help
They rely heavily on others to help them solve their problems.
They seek to know others' perspectives on the causes of their problems.
They seek people in positions of power to assist in blaming a target.
They seek to persuade others to agree with their cognitive distortions.
7. An evaluator is at risk of becoming a Negative Advocate for a high conflict person because the client can be: Help
Rationally persuasive.
Emotionally manipulative.
Deeply knowledgeable.
Analytical about their case.
8. How successful are attorneys in seeking jury verdicts with an aggressive style compared to an assertive style? Help
Aggressive style is equal to assertive style.
Aggressive style is more successful than assertive style.
Aggressive style is less successful than assertive style.
Researchers are unable to tell which is better.
9. People with Borderline Personality Disorder are likely to go to court because of: Help
A desire to punish the person who abandoned them.
A desire to control someone.
An incident of domestic violence perpetrated by them.
All of the above.
10. The mother in the case of In re Kristin H. lost her parental rights in part because she stopped taking her medication. What was the reason she gave for not taking her medication? Help
It made her feel manic.
It caused her to fall asleep while caring for her child.
She felt she could just rely on her inner strength.
It didn't interact well with the illegal drugs she was taking.
11. Teicher and associates found that those with Borderline Personality Disorder may have more difficulty balancing positive and negative views of those around them because of: Help
A smaller amygdala.
A smaller corpus callosum.
The polyvagal theory.
None of the above
12. Which of the following reasons has the personality researcher Theodore Millon suggested to explain why those with Borderline Personality Disorder may be increasing in our society? Help
The changing racial makeup of society
An increase in estrogen in the water supply
Substance-abuse-related changes in the brain
Increase in the number of chaotic families
13. When someone with Borderline Personality Disorder feels abandoned by a judge’s decision, the author suggests that a therapist can help them most by: Help
Focusing on why they are so upset.
Providing lots of reassurance.
Focusing on what they can do now.
Suggesting that they go back to court to validate themselves.
14. Which of the following is NOT recommended in handling problems for those with Borderline Personality Disorder? Help
Encouraging consistency in relationships with professionals
Encouraging high expectations in relationships with professionals
Cognitive Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
15. In the high tech mediation case of a person with possible Narcissistic Personality traits, the author found which method(s) helpful? Help
Recognition of his true accomplishments
Praising his future capabilities
Pointing out his self-sabotaging behavior in negotiations
All of the above
16. Those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or traits are more likely to end up in legal disputes because: Help
They feel victimized.
They are unable to compromise.
Resentments build up by those around them.
All of the above
17. In the case of David, which characteristic was NOT a reason he came into therapy: Help
He wondered if he was having a mid-life crisis.
He feared he had Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
He felt depressed.
He was uncomfortable doing routine work.
18. When in positions of power, those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or traits are more likely to end up in legal disputes for which reason: Help
Engagement in sexual harassment.
Seeing themselves as exempt from consequences.
Being oblivious to the impact they have on others.
All of the above
19. The author suggests that lawyers encourage clients with possible NPD to go into therapy to deal with which of the following? Help
Family problems
Divorce problems
Work problems
20. As reported by the author, what percent of the general population and what percent of the prison population are estimated to have Antisocial Personality Disorder? Help
1% of general population and 2% of prison population
2-4% of general population and 50% of prison population
5-7% of general population and 50% of prison population
5-7% of general population and 75% of prison population
21. Which Antisocial Personality Trait was not found by the District Attorney in prosecuting the insider trading case against Jeffrey? Help
Stealing other’s money
Deceiving his woman friend to get insider information
Lying about the amount of money he received
Lack of remorse in organizing the crime
22. As reported by the author, Antisocials can be identified easiest by which pattern of behavior? Help
Repeatedly violating minor laws, such as traffic violations
A history of prison sentences
Drug dealing, whether or not convicted
Lying to government officials
23. What behavior does the author describe as a typical quick response by someone with ASPD when getting caught? Help
Defending and explaining their actions as a good thing
Blaming someone else for something even worse
Denying the facts that have been discovered
Admitting and minimizing their behavior
24. Therapists and courts are often misled by those with ASPD because: Help
They can appear confident and credible.
They are skilled at convincing the court they are victims.
They are skilled at making allegations against others.
All of the above
25. In the Court of Appeals case of DeLaMatter v. DeLaMatter in Wisconsin, the Court concluded that a Histrionic Personality Disorder affects the manner in which the individual deals with people and is characterized by a tendency to: Help
See themselves as superior to those around them.
Steal from those close to them.
Have shallow relationships with others.
Go into sudden rages with those close to them.
26. In the DeLaMatter case, the Court of Appeals concluded that, because of her Histrionic Personality Disorder, Ms. DeLaMatter: Help
Was precluded from fulfilling gainful employment.
Was not precluded from fulfilling gainful employment.
Was not appropriate for working with children.
Was not appropriate for working in healthcare.
27. According to Charles Ford, some female prisoners will resort to hysterical behavior if their engaging in __________ personality behavior does not work. Help
Any of the above
28. Which strategy does the author recommend in working with a histrionic client? Help
Provide opportunities for venting.
Listen fully without interrupting.
Challenge unrealistic stories.
Focus on specifics and tasks.
29. In the Guilbeau case, Mr. Guilbeau was able to persuade which of the following persons that he was severely injured by carpet glue before the Court of Appeals reversed the case on appeal? Help
A medical doctor
A team of lawyers
A jury
All of the above
30. Which is a common characteristic of those with Paranoid Personality Disorder in the workplace? Help
A desire to be in the “in crowd”
A fear that co-workers are conspiring against them.
A belief that others are blocking their career from advancing
All of the above
31. Of the personality disorders described in this course, which one has been described as most likely to file lawsuits in the workplace? Help
32. Negative Advocates often appear in high conflict legal cases for which reason? Help
They advocate for the HCPs' negative behaviors.
They have absorbed an HCP's intense emotions.
Many HCPs lack credibility on their own.
All of the above.
33. When a Negative Advocate is involved in a legal case with a High Conflict Person, the result is usually that the HCP: Help
Becomes more aggressive and blaming.
Becomes calmer and more flexible.
Gets more useful information.
Asks better questions.
34. According to the author's theory, the unhelpful behavior of a Negative Advocate for an HCP is similar to the unhelpful behavior of someone in relationship with person with which of the following conditions? Help
Substance Abuse
35. Which is NOT one of the four steps recommended in managing someone with a high conflict personality? Help
36. Which is a helpful skill to improve the bonding process with a high conflict personality? Help
Validate the feeling not the complaint.
Match the client’s emotional intensity.
Respond to all crises immediately.
Encourage positive transference.
37. When your HCP client is involved in a legal dispute, providing structure can be calming. One way to do this is: Help
Being flexible in your role.
Assisting in opening up and exploring emotions.
Setting clear boundaries.
All of the above
38. Reality testing with HCPs can be facilitated by: Help
Exploring cognitive distortions.
Accepting their statements as true.
Taking good notes to document discrepancies/lies.
All of the above
39. Common cognitive distortions used by HCPs in legal disputes include: Help
Emotional reasoning
All of the above
40. Which is NOT recommended in working with an HCP? Help
Regularly changing who to contact at your office
Keeping an arm's length relationship
Validating the person, not the complaint
Anticipating crises
41. In a legal dispute, the best way for a professional to bond constructively with a client is by: Help
Agreeing with the person's legal complaint.
Giving the person empathy for their plight.
Diagnosing the opposing party for them.
All of the above.
42. Why are boundaries so important when working with HCPs? Help
The client's expectations could become too high.
HCPs sue their professionals when disappointed.
Transference issues can spin out of control.
All of the above.
43. Which of the following behaviors by the professional is particularly helpful in working with HCPs in legal disputes? Help
Predicting the outcome of their case.
Predicting ups and downs in your relationship.
Offering to testify on their behalf.
All of the above.
44. Legal professionals should make it clear to their high conflict clients that: Help
The judge in their case is inexperienced.
Their clients have personality disorders.
Most cases settle out of court.
They understand exactly what is going on in the client's case.
45. The author recommends teaching parties and professionals to choose their battles with possible high conflict people to: Help
Make sure you always assert yourself by going to court.
Avoid reacting to minor issues and misperceptions.
Recognize that all issues are about you and you should draw a firm line.
Make sure you always compromise and never go to court.
46. When does the author recommend that it is important for HCPs to vent their emotions? Help
Right before they focus on making important decisions
Almost always
Almost never
It depends on who their target is
47. Why is it unhelpful for advocates, dispute resolvers and targets of blame to show that they fully believe an HCP in a legal dispute? Help
They are less likely to feel the need to pay the professionals.
It reinforces their cognitive distortions.
They lose interest when they are not challenged.
They prefer professionals to fight with each other.
48. How does the author say a mediator should deal with clients' emotions during joint mediation sessions? Help
Encourage the client(s) to talk about them.
Acknowledge the emotions, but focus on a task.
Try to ignore their emotions.
Recommend that they see a couples' counselor.
49. A type of communication that your client should always respond to is a: Help
Declaration filed at court.
Letter written from one attorney to the other.
Comment made by the other party to a dispute right after court.
Comment made by a supportive family member.
50. Which process can authorize the release of confidential therapy information about a client? Help
A release signed by a spouse of a competent client?
A release signed by an attorney for a competent client?
A subpoena from a lawyer
None of the above
51. In doing therapy with children potentially involved in court, which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as supported by research? Help
The roles of therapist and forensic interviewer must be kept separate.
Therapists and interviewers must remain skeptical and objective, while being generally supportive.
There is a difference between taking what a child says seriously and believing everything a child says.
A child must be helped to communicate through the use of anatomically correct dolls.
52. Which of the following is addressed by the AFCC Guidelines for Court-Involved Therapists? Help
Professional responsibility in family court cases
Confidentiality issues for therapists
How to communicate with lawyers
All of the above
53. Which of the following concerns does the author have about psychological evaluations? Help
Personality disorder information is not mentioned enough.
Evaluators tend to focus too little on presenting problems.
Evaluators do not bond strongly enough with the parties.
All of the above
54. Parenting Coordinators can always be appointed by a court using which method? Help
At the request of one parent
By court order regardless of whether the parents object
It depends on state law
All of the above
55. Parenting Coordinators are NOT involved in which of the following? Help
Making custody decisions
Resolving disputes over court-ordered visitation
Helping parents communicate
Reinforcing the parents' proposal-making skills
56. If a court has appointed a neutral psychological evaluator, a parent has the legal right to do which of the following? Help
Cross-examine the evaluator
Present a separate expert to challenge the evaluator's report
Challenge the evaluator's knowledge on a subject
All of the above
57. Opportunities for mental health professionals to become involved with legal disputes with High Conflict Personalities are increasing in all areas EXCEPT which one? Help
Expert witness
Case consultant
Family court commissioner
Collaborative law coach
58. Which of the following are NOT warning signs of a high conflict personality with the potential for a legal dispute? Help
Denial of responsibility in contributing to or resolving conflicts
Emotional reasoning; wanting revenge or vindication through the court
Wanting to be controlled by others; unable to make decisions
Avoidance of mental health treatment; lying and fabrication of events
59. Therapists who are aware of the personality-based patterns of manipulation, deception, blame, and sometimes rage, will manage high conflict personality clients involved in legal disputes by: Help
Expessing anger clearly and directly with them.
Supporting the client by taking their side in a legal dispute.
Not criticizing the client’s actions.
Believing your client because that is the role of the therapist.
60. According to the author, the biggest mistake professionals make with high conflict personalities which can trigger a lawsuit is: Help
Apologizing too much.
Working harder than your client.
Having unrealistic expectations.
Believing their stories about other professionals.



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