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Multicultural Competency: How Are We Different? Let Us Count the Ways - Test
by William M. Liu, Ph.D.

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1. Multiculturalism may be best described as: Help
A transtheoretical approach to working with clients.
A unitary theory that explains the development of cultural psychopathology.
A theory of personality development in cultures.
A system of culturally relevant treatment models.
2. Diversity in the United States may be best described as: Help
Always present and important but recently recognized and acknowledged.
A recent development because of immigration.
An issue only relevant to minority groups.
All of the above.
3. When an individual lives in an environment or setting in which the individual is part of the dominant group and the person is rarely challenged to change, the person may be described as: Help
Being culturally encapsulated.
In the contact stage of racial identity.
Highly acculturated.
Having a dominant worldview.
4. To develop multicultural competencies, it is important that the helping professional do the following: Help
Gain knowledge about diverse groups
Develop awareness of biases and prejudices
Gain skills to work with diverse communities from a skilled supervisor
All of the above
5. Multiculturalism forces helping professionals to confront the following: Help
Power in relationships
Historical legacies of oppression and marginalization
The importance of context and situation in explaining psychological problems and in developing interventions
All of the above
6. Diversity and multiculturalism are: Help
Often used as synonyms even though the terms represent distinct concepts.
Different because diversity is about numbers.
Different because multiculturalism is focused on transformation.
All of the above.
7. White fragility may be elicited: Help
When a person of color speaks about racism.
When a White person does not agree with another White person's worldview.
When a person of color is in a position of authority.
All of the above
8. Multicultural awareness requires us to understand: Help
Everyone wants to be non-racist and competent.
Facts are sufficient to change a person's racist worldview.
Relationships are an important facet of a cultural worldview.
Therapy alone can change a person's racist worldview.
9. Research on Implicit Bias shows that: Help
It is difficult to consistently measure.
There is variation over contexts and situations.
That the Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT) is not always the best measure of implicit bias.
All of the above
10. In multicultural competencies, knowing who you are in relation to power, privilege, and marginalization, and being able to discuss and describe it well, is an example of: Help
Clinician "know thyself".
Clinician knowledge, awareness, and skills.
Positionality and critical reflexivity.
How they perceive oppression.
11. When people use the term, "multiple intersecting identities" they are: Help
Incorrectly understanding and using the theory of intersectionality.
Discussing the layers of racial identity.
Interested in diversity and not multiculturalism.
Not fully aware of how systemic racism operates
12. Stereotyping Asian Americans as the model minority (i.e., educationally and economically successful) while stereotyping other people of Color as "lazy" is an example of: Help
Differential Racialization.
Stereotype bias.
Racial Identification
13. When someone refers to customs, norms, and practices, the individual is most likely referring to: Help
14. Racial identity theory allows the helping professional to understand: Help
The salience of race in a person's life.
The ways in which the person responds to racism.
The way the person sees him or herself as a racial person.
All of the above.
15. The difference between ascribed and subscribed identity is: Help
One is externally imposed and the other is an internally determined.
One is a social identity and the other is a constructed identity.
One is related to racism and the other is related to racial identity.
One is avoidable and the other is always present.
16. Acculturation is a process by which an individual: Help
Assimilates into the host society.
Incorporates the norms of the host society while retaining aspects of their indigenous culture.
Holds onto their indigenous cultural values.
Completely identifies with the host culture.
17. A Latina client who recently migrated to the United States says that she only prefers her own cultural values, traditions, and peer groups. This client may be described as: Help
Highly enculturated.
Highly acculturated.
Low on conformity status.
Native culturalist.
18. When working with someone who regards herself as a refugee rather than an immigrant, it may be possible that she has experienced the following: Help
Desettlement and migration in her country of origin
No time to prepare for her movement to a host country
No time to prepare financial resources for her move
All of the above
19. Color-blind racial ideology is composed of: Help
Color-evasion ideology.
Power-evasion ideology.
Both 1 and 2.
20. The roots of poverty, classism, and racism may be linked to: Help
Biases, economic systems, and educational systems.
Inequality, oppression, and racist history.
Socio-political, socio-historical, and socio-structural forces.
Socio-constructed, socio-educational, and an unequal distribution of power.
21. When a man says to a woman, "Please don't worry about picking up that heavy package; that's a man's job." This statement is an example of: Help
Aversive sexism.
Benevolent sexism.
Downward classism.
22. Women of Color can experience racism that is both directed against them as women and as a person of Color. Psychology researchers have defined this as: Help
Gendered racism.
Explicit Bias.
Differential racialization.
Systematized racialization
23. The four proposed types of classism are: Help
Downward, upward, lateral, and internalized.
Revised, inadequacy, elitism, and prejudice.
Internalized, keeping up with the Joneses, prejudice, and discrimination.
Downward, oppressive, exploitative, and marginalization.
24. Assuming that men and women's relationships are essential, always present, and normal for society is a form of: Help
25. Microaggressions, microassaults, and microinsults are difficult to identity sometimes because: Help
They are subtle and covert statements.
They are unintentional but still derogatory.
They sometimes come across as sometimes positive statements.
All of the above.
26. Worldviews may be best described as: Help
Cultural lenses through which the person sees his or her environment.
Cultural apertures that dictate attitudes and behaviors.
Cultures that were integrated into the person's identity.
Resources and attitudes that are used to influence other people.
27. If you visit Hawaii and are greeted with "Aloha" when you arrive, and "Aloha" when you leave, one might describe the use of the word "Aloha" as a form of: Help
Low context communication because there is a strong reliance on the verbal part of the message.
High context communication because Hawaii is an industrialized state.
High context communication because the speaker relies on the physical context and the identification shared by those making the communication.
Low context because there is a reliance on the explicit code or message content.
28. Gender role conflict among men is triggered when a man: Help
Deviates from gender role norms.
Tries and meets or fails to meet gender role norms.
Experiences a discrepancy between the real and ideal selves related to gender role norms.
All of the above.
29. The context and situation that is the foundation for how to understand social class and classism (i.e., the Social Class Worldview), is defined as: Help
Systemic inequalities.
Economic Cultures.
Ecological Systems Theory.
Values based worldview.
30. A common misunderstanding about multiculturalism is that every culture is treated the same. This misunderstanding may be described as: Help



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