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Aging, Mental Health and Long-term Care - Test
by William Matteson, Ph.D.

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1. The two major forces responsible for the rapid rise in the older population are Help
Advances in heart disease and cancer therapies
Better nutrition and vitamin supplements
Increased life span and the baby boom
Senior living communities and better healthcare
2. The rapid increase in the number of cases of dementia is caused by Help
Toxins in the environment
The fact that people are living longer
Poor dietary and lifestyle habits
A newly discovered virus
3. The percentage of people in long-term care who will have emotional, cognitive, or behavioral problems is Help
20 percent
2 percent
50 percent
90 percent
4. Older adults are more vulnerable to psychological problems because of Help
Physical illness
Decline in cognition
All of the above
5. The most significant physical decline with aging is found in the Help
Heart and Lungs
Eyes and ears
6. The personality trait most predictive of poor perceived health is Help
7. Filial Anxiety is Help
Caused by the process of aging
A fear of horses
The anticipation of having to care for an aging parent
Cased by vitamin B12 deficiency
8. The emotional and physical reaction to being moved to a new dwelling is called Help
Reactive depression
Relocation stress syndrome
Generalized anxiety disorder
9. The number of medical illnesses missed by psychiatrists in their initial assessment is almost Help
10 percent
30 percent
50 percent
80 percent
10. Other than having a previous diagnosis of a mental disorder, the strongest predictor of mental illness in the elderly is Help
Medical illness
Alcohol consumption
Being married
Eating habits
11. Vitamins and Nutrients Help
Are rarely useful in older adults
Should be prescribed by a physician
Are often not assessed
Should be given to anyone over 65
12. B12 levels are often low on older people because of Help
Not taking vitamins
Lack of a chemical called "intrinsic factor"
13. In general, older people Help
Under-report pain
Over-report pain
Exaggerate their pain
Don't have pain
14. People over sixty five take what percent of all prescribed medications? Help
15 percent
30 percent
45 percent
60 percent
15. Older adults Help
Are seldom over medicated
Sometimes use medications belonging to others
Know that antibiotics cause mental problems
Are routinely told of medications side effects
16. A recent contributor to the abuse of alcohol in the elderly may be Help
The fact that it is so easy to obtain
The growing number of senior living communities
The high levels of depression in this age group
Nutritional deficiency
17. Which of the following is not a common cause of low sexual behavior in older adults? Help
Loss of spouse
Vascular problems
Previous low libido
18. Changes in sleep include Help
Multiple nighttime awakenings
More daytime naps
Waking up earlier in the morning
All of the above
19. The most common cause of delirium is Help
Lead toxicity
Urinary tract infection
Gastric reflux
20. Age associated memory impairment Help
Is often an early sign of Alzheimer's
Usually occurs in people over sixty
Is not part of normal aging
None of the above
21. Criteria for diagnosing dementia include Help
A decline in cognition
All of the above
22. When assessing a person for dementia a rule out factor is Help
Sleep apnea
All of the above
23. Reversible dementias include Help
24. In older adults, research has shown a relationship between depression and Help
Sugar intake
Cardiovascular disease
Will to live
25. Medical causes of depression include Help
Thyroid dysfunction
Brain tumor
Low blood pressure
All of the above
26. The most common anxiety disorder found in the elderly is Help
Panic Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
27. Delayed Grief may include Help
Panic attacks
All of the above
28. Post-traumatic stress disorder can be caused by Help
Malnourishment and dehydration
Heart attacks and strokes
Sleep disturbances and nightmares
Carbohydrates and medications
29. The PROSPECT Program was designed to assess and reduce Help
Suicidal ideation
Memory deficits
30. When conducting an assessment in an older person the first realm to be assessed should be Help
Marital status
Medical problems



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